is a problem proposed by ancient geometricians. It describes the challenge of constructing a finitely generated square with the same surface area of given a circle. It was hopeless to accomplish this task with simple means like ruler and compass and therefore a solution was regarded as impossible in former times. That is why the saying became a metaphor for trying to achieve the impossible.
Today the task can be solved mathematically by disregarding the old conventions and developing a new method… so „squaring the circle“ can also be seen as a metaphor for striving to make things better. These are qualities Squaring Design also stand for.
Squaring Design was founded by DI (FH) Markus Tanzer-Kargl in 2014. Already at an early age he had a try in car designing, but he had also always been interested in modern architecture and furniture design, challenging himself to become an industrial designer. With growing working experience and the awareness of overlappings of different design disciplines, the wish to use this knowledge in his own design agency became stronger.
Since then Squaring Design has been working in an exciting and innovative working environment between idea, design and implementation, providing a network of professionals and creatives, with whom we can “square circles”.
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